25 Days of Christmas: Thankful

25 Days of Christmas: Thankful

So my plan was to post from the 1st of December until the 25th.. Christmas. But then .. life happened. Finals, projects, more finals.. barely any time for leisure. However, there are 12 day until Christmas and I’m always hopeful of a little Christmas Miracle, so let’s see how many posts I can get to.

Now getting to the point of this. As you probably already saw, this post is about giving thanks. I don’t agree to only publicize how thankful you are about things in life during Thanksgiving, so today I will tell you all what I’m thankful for:

1. God and everything he has done for me
2. Family and new found friends (since I am now in college)
3. My education. I absolutely love school and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for my career path
4. Health
5. Cozy blanket + tea combo
6. Being able to voice my opinions, having freedom.
7. The beautiful chilly morning view from my dorm window
8. Music !! I wouldn’t be able to get through finals w/o my man Micheal BublĂ©
9. for all the little things that make life special

photo credit: ffourseason.tumblr.com